01/02/2020 by Prince Osei Akowuah 0 Comments
The first batch of REACT’s Usborne Books@Home books donation has been delivered to the
beneficiary school; Tower Preparatory & JHS School Gbawe- Accra. The delivery was made
possible by our benevolent shipping company Ofie-Direct door-to-door UK http://ofiedirect.com/
who has been very generous in delivering free of charge all our donations since 2018 to date.
Beneficiary schools were initially selected by REACT Trustees as a strategy to first contribute to the
educational needs of the communities they come from and secondly, to enable REACT put a foot into
communities we would not have entered. The Gbawe school was nominated by Mrs. Sophia Dogbatse,
REACT’s Secretary.
Reflecting on the donations, the Library prefect of the school Hillary Neequaye said the books
have become essential resource in their library and the students are overly excited about that. Hilary said
it is heartwarming to know that there are people out there who are not just passionate about education but
are also committed to make a difference in the lives of children. She expressed her gratitude on behalf of
students and the school authorities to REACT and Usborne Books@Home UK for their kind gesture.
Story by: Prince Osei Akowuah
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